
We provide business-to-business translation and interpretation services. We try to translate ideas, taking into consideration the cultural differences. We turn barriers into open doors.

Certified translations

We make translations from English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Hungarian, Dutch and other languages and combinations among such.

Notarized translations

Diplomas, syllabuses, certificates, civil registry documents, identity documents, car registration documents, technical manuals, standards, international standards, procedures, specification sheets, specification conditions, etc.

Online translations

We also provide remote translation services via email. You can email directly your documents with a good image resolution.


We provide fast apostille and superlegalization services for documents issued in Romania.

Equipment for rent

We can provide state-of-the-art professional equipment for your events, including the necessary audio-video assistance.

Interpretation services

We provide conference interpretation services for the main international languages. We work with experienced interpreters who are specialized in various fields of expertise.


For the documents that require notarization, we can intermediate this procedure through the Notary Public offices from Brasov, where our translators have registered their signature sample.


Because we know how important your corporate events are, we can provide the best and most efficient solutions.

DTP services

Tradox team has developed a specific procedure to prepare ready for print documents. We convert source documents into editable formats so that your translation is similar to the original document.

Mission and values

Our experience of more than 13 years in the field of translations and interpretation is based on observing our promises, reliable and high-quality services for our clients.

Our agency provides professional business-to-business translation and interpretation services both for big companies, and SMEs, as well as for business-to-consumer services to natural persons. Our translators are certified by the Ministry of Justice and are specialized in various fields of expertise: technical, economic, legal, commercial, financial, marketing-advertising, medical, IT and multimedia, etc. We work in a close relation with our external collaborators to make sure we maintain our excellence standards. Before selecting them, we test the quality of their services in rigorous linguistic tests in their fields of expertise.

Translation modules

We provide customized services depending on your project complexity.


  • Project Manager
  • Certified translator
  • -
  • -


  • Project Manager
  • Specialised translator
  • DTP
  • -


  • Project Manager
  • Specialised translator
  • DTP
  • Quality control

Our numbers

Specialised translators
Foreign languages

Tradox clients

We answer short-term translation demands, building long-term relations.

Client Testimonials

Daniel Mihai - Secretar General ARA Am lucrat cu interpreții Tradox pentru o serie de evenimente organziate de Asociația Română a Apei. Am fost extrem de mulțumiți de calitatea serviciilor oferite de aceștia, transmiterea mesajelor în altă limbă fiind extrem de importantă pentru noi. Recomand cu căldură serviciile oferite de această companie.
Cornelia Daneș - Consilier Asociatia Portavicum - Săcele Echipa Tradox ne-a fost alături la derularea proiectelor de interes local si național: ’’Săcele de ieri si de astăzi transpus în creații plastice contemporane’’, ’’Vitrina digitală a Săcelelui’’și ‘’Album din Săcele- Transilvania’’, derulate de Asociația PORTAVICUM- Săcele. Am apreciat în mod deosebit această echipă de traducători profesionişti, pregătiţi să ofere soluţii şi servicii de calitate în domeniu, o echipă dinamică, competenta şi de încredere.
Dr. Psih. Doru Dima - Great People Inside Serviciile oferite de d-na Camelia Tuță și de Tradox Fast S.R.L. au fost excelente, fiind caracterizate printr-un nivel ridicat de profesionalism și contribuind la succesul evenimentului organizat de noi. Vom continua să colaborăm cu compania Tradox Fast S.R.L., întrucât investim în oameni talentați pentru a susține înalta performanță profesională.
Alina Dumitrana - Human Resources Specialist, Canam Group Company Pot aprecia colaborarea cu Tradox ca fiind una foarte buna. Am fost placut surprinsa de rapiditatea cu care au raspuns solicitarilor noastre, dar si de acuratetea documentelor pe care le-au tradus . Servicii de calitate. Multumim!
Adrian Cristea - Inginer metoda SONACA Raportul cost-calitate-timp impacteaza longevitatea unei colaborari profesioniste. De aceea, revin de fiecare data la biroul dumneavoastra cu incredere, pentru ca eficienta cu care ne-ati livrat traducerile este constanta, lucru care va diferentiaza net favorabil de alti furnizori de traduceri.
Cristina Friedl - Staatlich geprüfte und beeidigte Übersetzerin für die rumänische Sprache Meine Zusammenarbeit mit dem Übersetzungsbüro Tradox Fast besteht bereits seit 10 Jahren und ich kann mit Überzeugung sagen, dass das Übersetzerteam bestens ausgebildet und kompetent ist und ausnahmslos eine qualitativ hochwertige Arbeit liefert. Darüber hinaus ist das Team freundlich, zuverlässig, pünktlich und reagiert sehr schnell auf Anfragen. Ich empfehle das Übersetzungsbüro Tradox Fast herzlich weiter.
Helmine Klein M.A. - Staatlich geprüfte und beeidigte Übersetzerin für die rumänische Sprache Das Tradox-Team ist seit vielen Jahren mein wichtigster externer Mitarbeiter. Alle Aufträge werden prompt, zuverlässig und in exzellenter Durchführung erledigt. Alle Mitarbeiterinnen sind überaus freundlich, kompetent und stets bemüht, alle Terminwünsche zu erfüllen.

Tradox. Building successful business partnerships for 13 years!

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